Keep Robert Home

Robert Panton is 57 years old, a father to three U.S. citizen children, and a grandfather. He is a beloved community leader and youth mentor in Harlem, New York. He is also a survivor of the United States’ war on drugs, having spent more than 30 years incarcerated for a drug-related conviction that would carry an average sentence of six years today.

Robert’s sentence was reduced to time served and he was released in recognition of his remarkable record of rehabilitation. Since his release, Robert has earned the recognition of the community for his tireless work to mentor marginalized youth. He dotes on his children and his grandchildren, who rely on him for support and guidance.

But Robert needs our help. He has lived in the United States for more than 50 years as a lawful permanent resident (green card holder). He came from Jamaica at the age of four and grew up in Harlem.

On August 25, 2023, despite a tremendous outpouring of support for Robert, and personal support from Congressman Adriano Espaillat, ICE denied Robert’s request for a stay of removal and placed an ankle monitor put on his leg on September 27. He has been told he must voluntarily deport or be deported within six months. His deportation would be a tragedy for his family and a tremendous loss to the community.

We’re demanding a deferred action and presidential pardon for Robert so that he can remain here in the United States with his family and communities.

Media Coverage:

9/26/2023 Harlem community youth leader fights deportation

9/27/ 2023 Harlem community activist fighting deportation to Jamaica:


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