Free Michael Santiago

Michael Santiago is a 45 years old Hispanic Male who has been in custody of the State Correctional Institution Albion for over 26 years. Michael is a New York resident raised by a single mother of two in Brevoort Houses, Brooklyn.

At the age of 19, he made a horrible choice; while being in the state of Pennsylvania, he took a man’s life, who had attempted to kill him a few weeks prior. However, Santiago would have been a free man today if he was in his home state of NY but unfortunately received life without parole. He deeply regrets the actions he took and spent years rehabilitating behind bars.

Michael has applied for Clemency which is the only way he may be able to ever get out. Michael Santiago has a community who awaits for him, stands behind him, supports him, and believes in him. We support his application for clemency and hope that the governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro can sign off on his clemency application, and let Michael be united with his family, or at the very least, receive a hardship transfer to New York so he can remain closer to his community.


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